Donate to Maranatha​
Thank you so much for giving to Maranatha Christian School. Your gifts are tax-deductible and we really appreciate your support. May God bless you for your generosity!

Pay Student's Tuition ​
You can securely pay your student's tuition using PayPal or your credit/debit card!
Instructions: In the Description box, please indicate that the payment is for tuition and specify the student(s) name. In the Price box, please specify the specific amount you wish to apply to the student(s) account. Thanks!
Fees: Please note that the school will be charged a $0.30 transaction fee plus 2.2% of the payment amount in order to use the online payment system.

Donate to Maranatha Scholarship Fund
Thank you so much for donating to the Maranatha Scholarship Fund! Your support will help students attend Maranatha who would otherwise be financially unable to attend! For more information, or to apply, click the green box!

David Zimmerman
School Treasurer
570-437-2731 Phone